What is the difference between doing Yoga and being a Yogi ?
When I embarked on my journey to become a yoga teacher I thought I knew how much more than a physical practice yoga really was. As I moved through my initial 200 hour training and on to my 500 hour advanced training, I saw a shift. I understood that the initial training would take between 6 to 8 months to complete. My initial thought was, “I will do it in 5!” It was only after completing these first 200 hours (in 6 months I might add) that I realized that the process of becoming a yogi is just that… a process. It is a “becoming” not a doing. As I moved into my 500 hour portion of my training I slowed down. This slowing down was the balancing practice for my disposition. I had experienced my first big insight.
My yogi often said, “Yoga is hard; but it’s not always hard where you expect it to be.” This slowing down was, and still is the hardest part of my yoga practice.
Seven signs you are a yogi.
You stop looking at Yoga as only a PHYSICAL practice. Yes the asana (posture) practice is about your body but Yoga is more a BRAIN and LIFE practice than anything else.
You look to change within. Your self awareness is at a place that when you are triggered you look within for the solution rather than to change something on the outside. And we are talking about transformational change in your life and how you see things (see #1 above)
Meditation becomes uncomplicated. Knowing that meditation is at the core of almost all yoga practices you regularly practice mindfulness practices throughout your day. While eating, while at a stoplight, while taking a walk.
You know when to BREATHE. You understand the importance of breath, when to breathe and how to breathe to get yourself unstuck. You will also have a greater awareness when your breathing is off.
You have compassion. This is a biggie. You not only have gratitude for people, places and things that trigger you but you have compassion for others wherever they are in their journey. You learn to see yourself in others who trigger you. These folks are my greatest teachers. Maybe an earlier version of yourself but also perhaps the current version. You are learning SELF-compassion.
You feel your feelings. You learn to lean into your feelings learning that all feelings are necessary and valuable. There is no light without dark. Without contrast the world is a very bland and boring place.
You respond rather than react. Last but certainly not least you notice that there is not an urgency to react to everything that comes your way.
There are certainly more than 7 results from a regular practice of yoga. For more information and when you are ready to get what I have, reach out to me.