Happy New year. I hope your 2022 is off to a great start. Mine certainly is and here’s why.
I’ve learned to set intentions rather than resolutions. Have you made a New Year’s Resolution? Have you already blown it. I used to struggle with this concept and even in the best years fond myself feeling like I had failed when my “resolution” didn’t hold up. Then I found a softer way to transformational change.
Let’s look at the definitions
res·o·lu·tion /rezəˈlo͞oSH(ə)n/ - a firm decision to do or not to do something.
in·ten·tion /inˈten(t)SH(ə)n/ - a thing intended; an aim or plan.
Which one feels better to you? Hint: There’s no right answer. For me an intention feels more like setting up for success rather than setting up for failure. One of the foundational principles of Yoga is balance. We are moving from a direction of a behavior or activity that is not balancing for us in the direction of balance. There is never a finish line with this process. If I intend to do something to me it doesn’t feel as if I’ve failed if I’ve seen some movement in a balancing direct.
A good friend sent me a quote from Elizabeth Gilbert “You are not required to justify your existence on earth through constant improvement. You are not a Fortune 500 company; you don’t have to show increasing profits. You don’t have to earn your right to be her by putting yourself to higher and higher standards. You just get to be here, you belong here.” This quote made me feel so relieved. It actually made me feel JOY. I get to work on myself if and when I want. I love learning about how my brain operates and how I move through the world.
My first coach is a fan of Angel Numbers. I wasn’t nearly as opened minded when I met her over 5 years ago but what I’ve realized is there is no bad that can come from being open, listening and believing in the possibilities. There is plenty of bad things that can come from being the opposite of these things. In a nutshell Angel Numbers are recurring sequences of numbers that have spiritual significance. There are 3 2’s in 2022. The angel number 222. :) Here’s what I found….
We all have access to a powerful tool for creating our life experience: our mind. By choosing to focus on positive thoughts, you can create a different life. Angel number 222 tells you that your positive thoughts and visualizations are about to become reality.
Is it time to create a positive intention and visualization for the new year. It’s never too late. I’m setting the intention of being more consistent with my Mindfulness Monday blog post and growing my audience.
I’m planning a workshop for later in the month to look at how to identify where you are out of balance, how to word your intention and how to tweak it along the way. More information to follow.