Mindfulness Monthly June 2022
I often get asked, “ How do is get really good at mediation?” Interestingly the goal is not to get good at meditation. The goal is to meditate. Like the ubiquitous Nike slogan suggests, “Just Do It” Success comes slowly over time with regular practice. Most of the time, the benefits don’t show up on the mat.
The benefits of a regular meditation practice are likely to show up out there in the real world. What is often reported is that there is a sense of being less reactive out there in the world. I think of it as a practice that lengthens my fuse. Through meditation we become familiar with how our brain works. We gain self awareness and often an understanding of the importance of breath in helping regulate how we feel.
Here are 6 tips on how to make meditation part of your life.
Don’t over complicate it.
I used to think that I had to be seated and motionless, in a particular posture in a perfectly quiet space with incense burning with zen music playing in the background. The fact of the matter is that you can meditate almost any time and almost anywhere. The idea is to be still but that doesn’t mean you can’t scratch your nose or adjust your position. Candles, music, decorations and incense are not needed.
Practice often / create a habit.
As I mentioned before, results show up over time. You can meditate daily or even a few times a day. You are building a habit. Try a run of 21 days and if you miss a day that's okay too.
Give yourself a break.
I mean this in a couple of ways. If you miss a day that’s okay. Stepping away from your practice for a day or two is perfectly fine. If some days it’s just too challenging to sit, don’t. You can also give yourself a break during your practice. Learn to use self-compassion when frustrated. Nobody is perfect and nobody can stop their mind completely. I’ve been at this pretty regularly and my brain still wants to make a grocery list. When that happens I note it and re-focus on my breath or body.
Fit it in to your life,
Some of you might be thinking … several times a day?! I don’t have time for that. A meditation can certainly last 15- 30 minutes or longer but it is still a meditation even if it is just a minute or two. I use reminders or triggers throughout the day. One of my favorites is while I’m at a stoplight. Just taking 60 - 90 seconds to check in with the breath, how my body is feeling, and the quality of your thoughts can make a huge difference. I have a chance to pause, notice an make adjustments. There will always be someone behind you to give you a reminder when the light turns green.
Keep it interesting / mix it up.
For over a year I had a regular practice of getting up at the crack of dawn or before dawn in the winter months to meditate. I would take my mediation blanket into my backyard and lay on the ground and do a 15 to 30 minute sit. Fortunately I could do this year round here in Florida. Over time this process became just another to-do item on my checklist. It was becoming less effective. I tried different methods… laying in bed before getting up, walking meditations, sitting outside on a bench on my lunch break, going to public spaces libraries, malls and other indoor spaces.
Watch for what shows up in life.
Feeling good isn’t necessarily the goal. You might feel relaxed or calm or even sleepy during or after a sit. While that’s great, that's not where the transformational change shows up. Many regular practitioners report that big changes happening in their life. I’ve had life come at me really hard as it inevitably will. I’ve been surprised by my composure and my ability to roll with the punches since I’ve had a regular practice.
I’ll be covering this and more in my in person workshop on Jun 12, 2022 at 2pm in St. Petersburg. If you are interested in attending my workshop or interested in a free one-on-one conversation on zoom or in person visit my website. www.becomingwhoweare.com.